Homeopathic Tongue Diagnosis

 One of the first places that clinicians can obtain information on the body's health status is the tongue. The clinician can detect Signs of imbalances in other body organs or tissues after weeks or even months of imbalances. Using tongue assessment technique, the clinician can detect imbalances in the body systems in as little as twenty-four hours. Tongue diagnosis is fast, accurate, safe, non-invasive, and easy to learn.

In this course, you will learn this simple yet powerful homeopathic tongue diagnostic and mineral balancing technique and add a new dimension to your practice.

Components of course:

  • Gain the skills necessary to detect sub-clinical

  • Mineral imbalances

  • Assessing mineral imbalance and heavy metal toxicity by interpreting signs on the tongue

  • You will gain a fundamental understanding of minerals as the core nutrients for optimal biochemical function.

  • You will receive appropriate clinical protocol for prescribing homeopathic minerals.

Fee: $800.00

Required text: Manual provided

Instructor: Dr. Sheila McKenzie, RD.H, Ph.D., IMD, DHMS, DHS